Silent Retreat 2021 @ Changi Cove – stillness amidst heritage trees

Changi Cove

Hidden in relative obscurity in a quiet nook of Changi Village, Changi Cove is a very simple hotel with comfortable small rooms.

Aptly chosen as the venue for our silent retreat, we could be still before God amidst various heritage trees on its grounds, as well as in the nature in the wider vicinity of the hotel.

I spent a few hours reading and singing alone at one of the chairs at the foot of this majestic 150-year-old Common Pulai.

My view of the tree from near its base.

Here it is, beautifully lit up at night.

There is something about old trees that makes them seem transcendental. Storms come and go, political rulers rise and fall, generations of humans live and die, but they just keep stoically adding ring after ring to their trunks. Silently watching, never commenting, yet outlasting it all.

There was also a White Olive heritage tree at the front driveway. This is the tree that produces the sour-sweet Ca-Na preserved olive snacks.

Apart from gathering for short meditations over song and 2 sermons across 2 days, we were given plenty of time to wander around and spend time reading the Bible and praying.

Changi Beach

One evening, we walked to Changi Beach.

The Changi Point Coastal Walk is closed for renovations at two stretches, so we explored the other side of Changi Beach instead.

The bum boats that ferry visitors to Pulau Ubin, all docked in a row.

A reminder to Stay On Track in life.

Our deep harbour means larger boats can sail by too.

A sculpture called Inscription, reflecting the finger-shape of this stretch of beach. Also a sign to keep looking up – Christ will return!

Walking around Changi Village

The next morning, we took a walk towards the Changi Air Base, and then looped back towards Changi Village towards the hotel.

A faint sunrise in the distance across the small golf course.

Saga seeds scattered about.

We also passed by the infamous Changi Hospital – a ghostly building if there ever was one. Many died there during the war.

We saw a hornbill twice too. Once it was across the road near the entrance of the hotel.

Another time, one was across the road from our meeting room. What a beautiful and unique bird.


As I was surrounded by God’s creation, these flowers were vivid pictures of what I read in the Bible in James 1:9-11.

“The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower.”

“For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business.”

Indeed, what is seen by the human eye is transient. Beautiful as creation is, only what is unseen is truly eternal.

An apt reminder in this troubled world.

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