Kallos Magazine for Teen Girls

Recently the team behind Kallos (“Beauty” in Greek) came to my church to share about their magazine for teens aged 12-25. They have been around since 2014, but I never knew! Probably was too busy parenting toddlers and preschoolers then.

But now that my eldest is teetering on the edge of teen-hood, I was so glad to hear of this magazine, the resources they produce, and most importantly, the hearts of the wonderful young women who run it all – many of whom are studying at Singapore Bible College or have MDivs from there!

Amen to that vision! So many girls struggle with self-image and eating disorders these days due to the relentless onslaught of skewed messages from worldly media, whose only aim is to profit from our insecurities.

Their latest magazine edition is on Hope, and covers the story of a brave young Christian woman who has alopecia, and then was recently diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer (a form of aggressive breast cancer), but who holds fast to her faith through it all. Truly inspiring.

It is cover girls like these whom Christian girls and women should look up to, not air-brushed half-starved scantily-clad models who scarcely look human.

I also purchased this devotional and book produced by Kallos. They look like wonderful resources indeed, and are selling in a bundle now for $29.90!

A wise friend once told me that as our children enter the teen years, they will have to internalise their beliefs, and develop their own internal biblical GPS. We will not be able to advise/admonish them on everything they view / read / say on social media.

So, given worldly pressures that bombard our kids from all avenues these days, such resources are invaluable. They are produced so well that any teenager would want to pick them up. Everything from the colours to the font size and layout are appealing to millennials and post-millennials. Written by young Singaporean women, its tone is not preachy, and yet firmly grounded on biblical truth.

A wonderful sword of the spirit in this war that is raging, which is not of flesh and blood.

Browse through a sample copy of Kallos magazine to discern whether it is suitable for your child, or the person you are ordering it for. Although it is meant for those between 12-25, I suppose kids who are 10 or 11 who have been imbibing a steady diet of teen media (on YouTube or Netflix) might be ready for it. For those who are very new to teenage issues, 13 or 14 might be a more suitable age. Once you have decided, you can subscribe here!

‘Nuff said from me, hop on over to read more reviews from teen girls, pastors and parents!

but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.

1 Peter 3:4 (ESV)

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