20 Books to Nourish The Christian Soul

To a large extent, we are what we read. Here are 20 foundational Christian books that are either fundamental to my faith, or which have helped me immensely in my walk with God.

Also, humans are forgetful. Our hearts are prone to wander, and our nature is predisposed to sin. So constant reading and listening to good sermons are extremely helpful (if not a must) in strengthening us as we journey on throughout life.

The Holy Bible

The inerrant, wholly inspired Word of God.

If you do not read anything else, read this daily. Period.

Here are some practical helps so that you can persevere in taking in the Bible daily.

The Pilgrim’s Progress

Written in 1678, it has been translated into more than 200 languages and has never been out of print. A powerful allegory that continues to speak into lives even today, to inspire and admonish us.

Charles Spurgeon said, “Next to the Bible, the book I value most is John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. I believe I have read it through at least a hundred times. It is a volume of which I never seem to tire; and the secret of its freshness is that it is so largely compiled from the Scriptures.”

Knowing God

I first read this in the 1990s, and recently re-read it for Peer Mentoring studies. A powerful reminder of how we must revere and know God for who He truly is.

The Screwtape Letters

A tiny book that packs a punch. C.S. Lewis’ genius shines through most in this book that one never tires of re-reading. It so aptly warns us, and so rightly shakes us out of complacency.

Devoted to God

Sinclair Ferguson is one of my favourite writers because he is so Clair (clear, pardon the pun). This book is so practical yet so packed full of solid theology. The hubs’ Peer Mentoring group has almost completed their studies on this.

My Utmost for His Highest

I first read this devotional in the 1990s and it was so inspiring. It challenged me to live my life wholly for God.

Morning and Evening

Charles Spurgeon is my hero and I had the privilege of attending and being active in the church he founded for 3 years. These devotionals are so packed with his godly, simple wisdom and utter love for God that they should be read over and over again.

The Goldsworthy Trilogy

Gospel and Kingdom was so helpful in teaching me how to read and understand the whole message of the Bible (instead of reading and teaching it like a bunch of moralistic stories) when I first came across it in the early 2000s. A must for every new Christian.

The Cross of Christ

I ploughed through this in the early 2000s and benefitted a lot from understanding what Stott had to teach. These days, we expect our kids to handle advanced learning in all their schoolwork but tend to infantilise their biblical teaching. I think those in secondary school or JC should be able to start chewing on books of this level.


This was a book recommended by a friend which also blew my mind in my days of tertiary education. Whilst being a bit more complex to understand, it challenged my faith and strengthened it.

Desiring God

This book was helpful in teaching me to fear God rightly, to love Him joyfully and to live for Him contentedly, because indeed God is most delighted with us when we are most satisfied in Him.

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

This taught me so much about contentment. The hubs was so convicted by this that he wrote a whole blog post on it here.

The Mystery of Providence

This helped me understand Providence – everything happens by God’s sovereign will. A right understanding of providence is so crucial today.

The Holy Spirit in Revival

This was a re-writing of Jonathan Edwards’ teaching on the Holy Spirit and I found it very useful. There is only this much of Puritan phraseology I can take, so I find modern abridged books most kind.

The Valley of Vision

Having said that, this is a beautiful book of Puritan prayers, which are very lyrical and not difficult to read and understand. They are so theologically rich and helpful to the congregation when we adapt them for use in our modern church services.

E.M. Bounds on Prayer

I confess that I’ve not finished reading this book, but it has EVERYTHING you need to know about prayer and how to think about it rightly. Will aim to finish it in 2021.

Bringing the Gospel to Covenant Children

A very tiny book but one of the best on parenting that I’ve read, with great practical advice on how to teach the content of the gospel and how parents must flee worldliness in its many forms.

Rosaria Butterfield’s books

Rosaria Butterfield is my heroine. She writes beautifully and on a very important modern day topic – my reviews on the first two books can be found here.

So there you have it! Here’s the list for now – certainly not an exhaustive one nor the last word on anything, but just a list of really helpful books to share. Keep reading, keep pondering the word of God daily, and live out what we learn!

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