Reflections at MacRitchie

There are so many things in life that we take for granted. Lately, I have found it easy to get bogged down, to wallow in the things that are not going right, and dwell on things of despair.

But I was reminded that the ability to walk, to feed ourselves, to be in a relative measure of good health… these are things that we should be so grateful for, daily.

I had the joy of walking through MacRitchie Reservoir Park for about an hour last week. Just having some minutes of solitude to think through the challenges in my life, and the spirit with which I should approach them, was invaluable.


It was warm, but the bright blue skies and still clear waters,  refreshed my soul.

If you’re feeling similarly depleted (which is probably easily the case for everyone living in Singapore’s frenetic pace of life), do make some time for at least an hour of solitude. Even if it’s just during the lunch hour, or even if can only be scheduled a few months from now, do it. You will be glad you did.



The grass-cutters were raising a cheery racket at the main grounds, so I walked further and further till I came upon this secluded spot.

Two benches, almost zen-like in design.


The water was very clear, and the aquatic plants were gently swaying, as dragonflies flit around.


Towards one side, there was a little bridge along the boardwalk.


Providentially, I managed to snap a shot of these two dragonflies – first time I have ever seen dragonflies with such deep red wings, instead of the more common translucent ones.


I spent some time at the Lim Bo Seng memorial. He perished at age 35, and had accomplished so much for his nation by that age.



It was interesting to read about Force 136, and I’m glad that there is such a place of remembrance.


There are so many things to ponder about. What will we make of this life that we have been given? What path will we consciously take, instead of mindlessly going through each day’s routine?


I came across a quote recently that says:

A great life isn’t about huge things;

It’s about small things that make a big difference.

Another similar quote:

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily difference we can make, which over time, add up to the big differences that we often cannot foresee.

Marian Wright Edelman

It can be a kind word, a forgiving spirit, or even a WhatsApp message to let someone who’s going through a tough time know that you are thinking of them.



What will you do today, to make a difference?




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