Encouragement cards

Most folks know what a fan of Megan Breedlove’s I am. Especially enjoyed her latest book and reviewed it here and here

An amazing mum to five little ones, Megan has dual masters degrees from seminary, used to teach, and now writes books as well as conducts retreats. 
She has this delightful practice on her FB page, of collating requests for encouragement cards. On a limb, I asked if she’d mind mailing it internationally. Bless her heart, she didn’t. 
So this arrived last week. 

All the way from Fort Worth!

With a short exhortation inside, it was certainly encouraging – especially to know that a sister-in-Christ, not to mention a wonderful author of solid spiritual manna for mums, cares enough to do this. 
I’m sending a card back too. Here’s a sneak preview, Megan!

My favourite cardstock line – Prima’s Jack n Jill, and the butterfly piece is aptly “Ode to Joy”

It’s already winging its away across the miles, as we speak, urm write! Many blessings to you!

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  1. What a beautiful card for Megan, I’m sure she will be greatly encouraged to receive it! Love your handwriting, and yes, snail mail never fails to warm your heart a little more than electronic ones! 😀

    1. Thank you, A!

      Yes, I used to have penpals, and now still manage to keep up a sporadic correspondence (long letters 1-2 times a year) with a friend’s mum in Germany! haha.

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